Computer and Software Support

Reset Internet Explorer Toolbar

Warning. If the registry Editor is used incorrectly, problems can arise that may prevent windows to even load. The damage can be severe enough to require the operating system to be reloaded. Use at your own risk.

If you have a custom Internet Explorer toolbar or it has gotten modified somehow and you want it to be back to the original settings, follow these steps

  1. Access REGEDIT (The page will open in a separate window)
  2. Double-click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER
  3. Double-click on Software
  4. Double-click on Microsoft
  5. Double-click on Internet Explorer
  6. Double-click on Toolbar
  7. On the right panel, right click on the WebBrowser key
  8. Click on Delete
  1. Click on Yes
  2. Close Regedit
  3. Open Internet Explorer

Tips on using a mouse in Internet Explorer.