Computer and Software Support

Move Pictures folder in Windows Vista to a different location

These instructions came from SmartComputing magazine's August 2009 issue.

For this example, we want to move My documents for user Jesse from C:\users\Jesse\Pictures to K:\Users\Jesse\Pictures

To move the folder, follow the steps below

  1. Click Start
  1. Click the Account name (located on the top right of the program window. In this example, it is Jesse)
  1. Right-click Documents
  2. Click on Properties
  1. Click on the Location tab
  1. Click the Move button
  1. Navigate to the location you want the folder to be at. (In this example it is going to be K:\Users\Jesse\Pictures)
  1. Click Apply
  1. Click OK
  1. If you make a mistake, or want to restore to the defaults, repeat the steps above to open the window and click on Restore Defaults