Computer and Software Support

Modifying the Winnt.bat file to Integrate Unattended file into Windows XP install CD

If you want to integrate the unattended file into the windows XP CD, you have to modify the Winnt.bat file so windows will look at the CD for the Winnt.SIF file instead of the floppy.

Before you create the CD, be sure to have this file and the Winnt.sif file in the I386 folder. Here is the information that needs to be on the winnt.bat file.

rem SetupMgrTag
@echo off

rem This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by Setup Manager.
rem If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified.

set AnswerFile=.\winnt.sif
set SetupFiles=.\i386

D:\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copysource:lang