There is a certain order that the commands have to be entered in
order for it to work or you will get an error. Syntax means the
order that the dos command is typed.
Command Syntax Elements
Example line for 1 through 11 is
1. Command Name
The name you enter to start the DOS program is called Command Name
(a few of the DOS commands can be entered using shortcut names). The
DOS command name is always entered first.
Copy is the command name
2. Space
Always leave a space after the command name.
Press the spacebar to put a space between COPY and c:\test.txt
3. Drive Designation
If you are using a DOS command that requires a Drive Designation,
you will need to enter that drive designation if the drive that you
need is different from the drive that you are currently in. For
example, If you are currently at drive C and you want to copy the
file test.txt from drive C to drive letter A, you would type
The reason for that is because the file is located in the C drive and your in the C drive. When you don't enter a drive, DOS assumes you are referring to the drive that your currently in. Now if you was currently on the A: drive, you would have typed
4. A Colon
When referring to a drive in a DOS command, you must always follow
the drive designator with a colon (:) (this is how DOS recognizes it
as a drive designation).
5. Pathname
A pathname (path) refers to the path you want DOS to follow in order
to act on the DOS command.
\ which is the backslash
6. Filename
A filename is the name of a file stored on disk.
7. Filename Extension
A filename extension can follow the filename to further identify it.
The extension follows a period and can be of three or fewer
8. Switches
Characters shown in a command syntax that are represented by a
letter or number and preceded by a forward slash (for example, "/P")
are command options (sometimes known as "switches"). Use of these
options activate special operations as part of a DOS command's