Computer and Software Support

A tip on Manuals 


When you buy an electronic device, an appliance or other items, a manual comes with it. We have good intentions to place it some place safe. Then when we need it we cannot find it.

Not every manufacturer but majority have a manual of the item on their website that you can download. It is usually in a pdf format. If you cannot find your manual, you can go to the site and usually get a copy of it.

When I get a new device, I immediately download the manual to my computer. I have a folder that I created and named it manuals. Then inside the manuals, I would create a folder with the brand (like Samsung). Then inside there, I put a folder with the model. I place the manual in that folder.

I know you are saying "I will download it at the time if I need it". That is true. However if your internet is down at the time, you will have to go somewhere to get internet. If you already have downloaded it, you do not need internet if it is already downloaded. Also sometimes it takes time to locate the online manual.