To install or remove a PCI or AGP card
Warning! Not following these procedures correctly can cause damage to your system. These directions are not designed to replace a qualified technician. The directions may not completely match the setup of your system due to the numerous variations of computer setups available in the market. If you not sure how to follow these directions then please consult a technician to help you. UpgradeNRepair and its representatives are not responsible for any damage.
SAFETY NOTE: Do not go in the system while any cables including power cord is connected to the system. Also drain any power to the system by pushing the power button with the power cord disconnected.
SAFETY NOTE: When you open the system, you may see dust in the system. Do not blow on it. Your breath has moisture and electronics hate moisture.
Read the Safety Procedures. Very Important!!!
Read this safety note before performing steps
Disconnect every cable or cord that is attached to the computer. (if it is connected, disconnect it. It needs to be where you can pick up the computer and run out the door with it without no cables snatching you back)
With the power cord disconnected, push the power button and hold it in for 5 seconds VERY IMPORTANT!!! Do not put the power cord in! (This discharges any power that is still stored in the system.)
Remove the computer cover. (Consult the computer manual or manufacturer for the procedure to remove the cover.)
If your replacing a PCI or AGP card that is in the system, remove the screw holding the card in. (some systems do not use screws but a locking mechanism to hold the card down, also AGP slots also have a lever you have to move)
lift up on the card to remove it.
Insert the new card into the slot
Screw the screw back in. (some systems do not use screws but a locking mechanism to hold the card down)
After turning system on, install the driver and/or any programs associated with the card.
Install the driver(s) for the card.
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Note: Some cards have wires to connect. Please consult the manual for the proper connection of the cable. Due to the numerous types of cards and different types of motherboards, I can't instruct where to plug the cables in without knowing what motherboard it is.
Note: If you have installed the driver and still can't get it to work, Reinstall the chipset driver for the motherboard and see if that helps. (Even if the chipset is already installed, reinstall it anyways)
Note: If you have installed the driver and still can't get it to work, or it was working and now it is not, try uninstalling the driver, then reinstall it.