Computer and Software Support

How to use DirectX

There is 8 tabs listed in DXDIAG

  1. System
    1. Here is some important information on this tab

                                                              i.      Gives System information

                                                            ii.      Shows the version of Direct X that is installed.

                                                          iii.      Gives the Page file size

  1. DirectX Files
    1. shows the Direct X files that is on the computer and information on each file.
    2. Informs you if it detects an issue with one or more Direct X files
  2. Display
    1. Gives you information on your video card
    2. Can disable the following

                                                              i.      DirectDraw Acceleration

                                                            ii.      Direct3D Acceleration

                                                          iii.      AGP Texture Acceleration

    1. Can test the following

                                                              i.      Test DirectDraw

                                                            ii.      Test Direct3D

    1. Has information window to let you know if it found any issues
  1. Sound
    1. Can set the Hardware Sound Acceleration Level
    2. Can test DirectSound
    3. Has information window to let you know if it found any issues
  2. Music
    1. Shows the available music ports
    2. Allows you to Test DirectMusic (if there is more than one device to test, they will be listed here)
    3. Has information window to let you know if it found any issues
  3. Input
    1. Shows the input devices that is installed
    2. Has information window to let you know if it found any issues
  4. Network
    1. Shows the registered DirectPlay Service Providers
    2. Shows the Registered Lobbyable DirectPlay Applications
    3. Can choose DirectPlay Voice Options
    4. Test DirectPlay
    5. Has information window to let you know if it found any issues
  5. More Help
    1. Additional help if needed. Here is the list of help you can get

                                                              i.      Windows Help’s DirectX troubleshooter

                                                            ii.      Windows Help’s Sound troubleshooter

                                                          iii.      Start Microsoft System Information Tool

                                                          iv.      Can override DirectDraw’s refresh rate

You can also save the information as a text file. This would be very useful when you are contacting technical support. They can use this info.