Microsoft came out with Service Pack 2 to update windows. If you would like to have SP2 installed when you install Windows, you will need to slipstream the software into the CD. This can be done for other windows service packs as well, such as service pack 3. To do this, follow these steps.
- Insert Your Windows XP CD
- write down the volume label name of the CD
- Create a folder called C:\xp
- Copy the contents of the Windows XP CD to the folder C:\xp
- Create a folder called C:\SP2
- Download or copy the full network install version of Windows XP Service Pack 2 to the folder C:\SP2
- Open Command Prompt (Page will open in a separate window)
- Type CD \
Press Enter
- Type CD SP2
Press Enter
- Type xpsp2.exe -x:c:\sp2
- Press Enter
- Now the sp2 folder will have a folder called i386
- Type CD i386
- Press Enter
- Type CD update
- Press Enter
- Type update -s:c:\xp
- press Enter
Click on OK
- You will need to use a software that will allow you to extract a file from an ISO file such as ISOBuster (Do a google search for ISOBuster) or some other program.
- create a folder called bootfile on drive C
- Extract Microsoft Coporation.img (it may be named something else with the .img extension) to the folder C:\bootfile
- To burn the image to a CD you will need to use a burning software such as Sonic or Nero. FFor information on using Nero to burn the image click here.
I got this information from Winsupersite. For a more graphical display of the above steps, click here to go to their page (This is a link to a different website. Websites have a tendency to change their page locations and this link may become invalid. this is why the steps are listed on my site as well as providing the link. If you see the link is bad, please email me)
Windows update integration - How to integrate updates to windows install