How to create a hyperlink
First of all what is a hyperlink?
A hyperlink is a clickable object on the web page that will take you to another page. Just about every page on the internet has at least one hyperlink on it.
A hyperlink can either be in the form of text or a picture.
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A hyperlink can be text or a graphic
If the hyperlink is text, it will usually be underlined (but not always)
If the hyperlink is text, it will usually be a different color than the other text
When you move the cursor over a hyperlink, the cursor will change to a different graphic to indicate that it is a hyperlink.
Some times a message will appear also when you move the cursor over a hyperlink.
You can have a hyperlink do a various different tasks. Here is only a few
Have you go to a different page on your own website
Have you go to a different page on someone else's website
Bring up a video clip to play
Bring up an audio clip to play
Bring up your email
Send an email
To make the hypertext bring up a website address, video or audio, you will input the address of the file in the address section of the edit hyperlink page.
You can have the hyperlink say anything you want. You can also make a picture a hyperlink. To create a hyperlink, do the following
To make text a hyperlink
Hyperlink to another page on your website
Highlight the text (For this example, we are making click here a hyperlink)
Right-click the text
Click Hyperlink
Scroll to the folder that has the page you want the hyperlink to take you to and select the page.(for this example, the hyperlink is going to be taking us to the copycutpaste webpage)
Click Target Frame
Select if you want the page to open in a different window, entire window or the window you are currently using (for this example, we are having the hyperlink open in a new window so we will still have the main page open)
Click OK
Click OK again
Now if you click on click here, it will take you to the copycutpaste webpage
paste, click here) |
Hyperlink to another page on someone else's website
Highlight the text
Right-click the text
Click Hyperlink
You can input the website address by two different methods
You can type in the website address
You can paste the address in (the right click and paste does not work in this software on this window, you have to use the Keyboard command for paste which is the Control Key (CTRL) and the letter V key. For help with this keyboard command click here. For more help on how to copy and paste, click here)
Put the website address in the box titled Address (for this example, we making click here take us to Microsoft's website)
Click Target Frame
Select if you want the page to open in a different window, entire window or the window you are currently using (for this example, we are having the hyperlink open in a new window so we will still have the main page open)
Click OK
Click OK again
How to create a hyperlink to open a email window to send an email
To make a hyperlink open an email window so the user can send an email to you, do the following
Create the text you want the hyperlink to say (for this example it is going to say Email me!)
Highlight Email me!
Right-click Email me!
Click Hyperlink
Click on E-mail Address
Type in the email address and the subject line
Click OK
Now when you click on Email me!, it will open an email. Click Email me! below for a demonstration