Computer and Software Support


This page is from Microsoft

Updated: January 21, 2005

Requests certificates from a certification authority (CA).

To submit a request to a CA

certreq[-submit] [-attrib AttributeString] [-binary] [-config CAMachineName\CAName] [-crl] [-rpc] [RequestFileIn [CertFileOut[CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]]]
Submits a request to a CA.
-attrib AttributeString
Specifies the Name and Value string pairs, separated by a colon. Separate Name and Value string pairs with \n (for example, Name1:Value1\nName2:Value2).
Formats output files as binary instead of base64-encoded.
processes the operation by using the CA specified in the configuration string (that is, CAMachineName\CAName).
Includes certificate revocation lists (CRLs) in the output to the base64-encoded PKCS #7 file specified by CertChainFileOut or to the base64-encoded file specified by RequestFileOut.
Instructs Certificate Services to use a remote procedure call (RPC) server connection instead of Distributed COM.
Specifies the base64-encoded or binary input file that you want to use. The file can be a PKCS #10 certificate request, PKCS #7 certificate renewal request, KEYGEN tag format certificate request, or a Certificate Management protocol using Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) request (this protocol is also known as CMC).
Specifies the binary or base64-encoded X.509 v3 file to which you want to send output.
Specifies the binary or base64-encoded PKCS #7 file to which you want to send output.
Specifies the binary or base64-encoded Full Response file to which you want to send output.
Displays a list of certreq commands.
  • You must specify the CAComputerName or CAName in -config CAComputerName\CAName. Otherwise, the Select Certificate Authority dialog box appears and displays a list of all CAs that are available.
  • If you use -config - instead of -config CAComputerName\CAName, the operation is processed using the default CA.

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To retrieve a response to a previous request from a CA

certreq-retrieve[-binary] [-config CAMachineName\CAName] [-crl] [-rpc] RequestID[CertFileOut[CertChainFileOut [FullResponseFileOut]]]
Retrieves a response.
Formats output files as binary instead of base64-encoded.
processes the operation by using the CA specified in the configuration string (that is, CAMachineName\CAName). Without this option, the default CA processes the request.
Includes certificate revocation lists (CRLs) in the output to the base64-encoded PKCS #7 file specified by CertChainFileOut or to the base64-encoded file specified by RequestFileOut.
Instructs Certificate Services to use a remote procedure call (RPC) server connection instead of Distributed COM.
Specifies the request or certificate that you want to retrieve.
Specifies the binary or base64-encoded X.509 v3 file to which you want to send output.
Specifies the binary or base64-encoded PKCS #7 file to which you want to send output.
Specifies the binary or base64-encoded full response file to which you want to send output.
Displays a list of certreq commands.
  • You must specify the CAComputerName or CAName in -config CAComputerName\CAName. Otherwise, the Select Certificate Authority dialog box appears and displays a list of all CAs that are available.
  • If you use -config - instead of -config CAComputerName\CAName, the operation is processed using the default CA.
  • You can use certreq -retrieve RequestID to retrieve the certificate after the CA has actually issued it. You can also use it to retrieve any certificate that has ever been issued by the CA, including revoked or expired certificates, without regard to whether the certificate's request was ever in the pending state.
  • If you submit a request to the CA, the policy module of the CA might leave the request in a pending state and return the RequestID to the Certreq caller for display. Eventually, the CA's administrator will issue the certificate or deny the request.

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To create a new request from an .inf file

certreq-new[-attrib AttributeString] [-binary] [-cert CertID] [PolicyFileIn [RequestFileOut]]
Creates a new request.
Specifies the Name and Value string pairs, separated by a colon. Separate Name and Value string pairs with \n (for example, Name1:Value1\nName2:Value2).
Formats output files as binary instead of base64-encoded.
Specifies the signing certificate by common name, serial number, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) key, or certificate hash.
Specifies the .inf input file that contains the extension definitions that you want to use to qualify a request.
Specifies the base64-encoded file to which you want to send output.
Displays a list of certreq commands.

To accept and install a response to a previous new request

certreq-accept [{CertChainFileIn | FullResponseFileIn | CertFileIn}]
Accepts and installs a response.
Specifies the binary or a base64-encoded input file that you want to use.
Specifies the binary or a base64-encoded input file that you want to use.
Specifies the binary or a base64-encoded input file that you want to use.
Displays a list of certreq commands.

To construct a cross-certification or qualified subordination request from an existingCA certificate or request

certreq-policy [-attrib AttributeString] [-binary] [-cert CertID] [RequestFileIn [PolicyFileIn[RequestFileOut [PKCS10FileOut]]]]
Sets the policy for a request.
Specifies the Name and Value string pairs, separated by a colon. Separate Name and Value string pairs with \n (for example, Name1:Value1\nName2:Value2).
Formats output files as binary instead of base64-encoded.
Specifies the signing certificate by common name, serial number, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) key, or certificate hash.
Specifies the base64-encoded or binary input file that you want to use. The file can be a PKCS #10 certificate request, PKCS #7 certificate renewal request, KEYGEN tag format certificate request, a Certificate Management protocol using Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) request (this protocol is also known as CMC), or a certificate file of the CA that you want to cross-certify.
Specifies the .inf input file that contains the extension definitions that you want to use to qualify a request.
Specifies the base64-encoded file to which you want to send output.
Specifies the base64-encoded PKCS #10 file to which you want to send output.
Displays a list of certreq commands.

To sign a cross-certification or qualified subordination request

certreq-sign [-binary] [-certCertID] [-crl] [RequestFileIn[RequestFileOut]]
Signs a cross-certification or qualified subordination request.
Formats output files as binary instead of base64-encoded.
Specifies the signing certificate by common name, serial number, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) key, or certificate hash.
Includes certificate revocation lists (CRLs) in the output to the base64-encoded PKCS #7 file specified by CertChainFileOut or to the base64-encoded file specified by RequestFileOut.
Specifies the base64-encoded or binary input file that you want to use. The file can be a PKCS #10 certificate request, PKCS #7 certificate renewal request, KEYGEN tag format certificate request, a Certificate Management protocol using Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) request (this protocol is also known as CMC).
Specifies the base64-encoded file to which you want to send output.
Displays a list of certreq commands.

Formatting legend

Format Meaning
Italic Information that the user must supply
Bold Elements that the user must type exactly as shown
Ellipsis (...) Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line
Between brackets ([]) Optional items
Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd} Set of choices from which the user must choose only one
Courier font Code or program output