Configures the translation of events to traps, trap destinations, or both based on information in a configuration file.
- If you want to configure traps but not trap destinations, you can create a valid configuration file by using Event to Trap Translator, which is a graphical utility. If you have the SNMP service installed, you can start Event to Trap Translator by typing evntwin at a command prompt. After you have defined the traps you want, click Export to create a file suitable for use with evntcmd. You can use Event to Trap Translator to easily create a configuration file and then use the configuration file with evntcmd at the command prompt to quickly configure traps on multiple computers.
- The syntax for configuring a trap is as follows:
#pragma ADDEventLogFile EventSource EventID [Count [Period]]
- The text #pragma must appear at the beginning of every entry in the file.
- The parameter ADD specifies that you want to add an event to trap configuration.
- The parameters EventLogFile, EventSource, and EventID are required. The parameter EventLogFile specifies the file in which the event is recorded. The parameter EventSource specifies the application that generates the event. The EventID parameter specifies the unique number that identifies each event. To find out what values correspond to particular events, start Event to Trap Translator by typing evntwin at a command prompt. Click Custom, and then click Edit. Under Event Sources, browse the folders until you locate the event you want to configure, click it, and then click Add. Information about the event source, the event log file, and the event ID appear under Source, Log, and Trap specific ID, respectively.
- The Count parameter is optional, and it specifies how many times the event must occur before a trap message is sent. If you do not use the Count parameter, the trap message is sent after the event occurs once.
- The Period parameter is optional, but it requires you to use the Count parameter. The Period parameter specifies a length of time (in seconds) during which the event must occur the number of times specified with the Count parameter before a trap message is sent. If you do not use the Period parameter, a trap message is sent after the event occurs the number of times specified with the Count parameter, no matter how much time elapses between occurrences.
- The syntax for removing a trap is as follows:
#pragma DELETEEventLogFile EventSource EventID
- The text #pragma must appear at the beginning of every entry in the file.
- The parameter DELETE specifies that you want to remove an event to trap configuration.
- The parameters EventLogFile, EventSource, and EventID are required. The parameter EventLogFile specifies the log in which the event is recorded. The parameter EventSource specifies the application that generates the event. The EventID parameter specifies the unique number that identifies each event.
- The syntax for configuring a trap destination is as follows:
#pragma ADD_TRAP_DESTCommunityNameHostID
- The text #pragma must appear at the beginning of every entry in the file.
- The parameter ADD_TRAP_DEST specifies that you want trap messages to be sent to a specified host within a community.
- The parameter CommunityName specifies, by name, the community in which trap messages are sent.
- The parameter HostID specifies, by name or IP address, the host to which you want trap messages to be sent.
- The syntax for removing a trap destination is as follows:
#pragma DELETE_TRAP_DESTCommunityName HostID
- The text #pragma must appear at the beginning of every entry in the file.
- The parameter DELETE_TRAP_DEST specifies that you do not want trap messages to be sent to a specified host within a community.
- The parameter CommunityName specifies, by name, the community in which trap messages are sent.
- The parameter HostID specifies, by name or IP address, the host to which you do not want trap messages to be sent.
To send a trap message if the Event Log service is restarted, type:
#pragma ADD System "Eventlog" 2147489653
To send a trap message if the Event Log service is restarted twice in three minutes, type:
#pragma ADD System "Eventlog" 2147489653 2 180
To stop sending a trap message whenever the Event Log service is restarted, type:
#pragma DELETE System "Eventlog" 2147489653
To send trap messages within the community named Public to the host with the IP address, type:
#pragma ADD_TRAP_DEST public
To send trap messages within the community named Private to the host named Host1, type:
#pragma ADD_TRAP_DEST private Host1
To stop sending trap messages within the community named Private to the same computer on which you are configuring trap destinations, type:
#pragma DELETE_TRAP_DEST private localhost
Formatting legend
Format | Meaning |
Italic | Information that the user must supply |
Bold | Elements that the user must type exactly as shown |
Ellipsis (...) | Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line |
Between brackets ([]) | Optional items |
Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd} | Set of choices from which the user must choose only one |
Courier font | Code or program output |