Computer and Software Support


This page is from Microsoft

Replaces locked operating system files. The specified files are not replaced until you restart the operating system.
inuseReplacementDestination [/y]
Specifies the updated file name. Include the complete physical or UNC name.
Specifies the currently locked file that you want to replace on the local drive. Include the complete physical path name.
Suppresses the confirmation prompt that appears when inuse tries to replace the file.
Displays help at the command prompt.
  • You must be a member of the Administrators group to use this tool.
  • Inuse is primarily used to replace locked operating system files. After you run inuse, the specified file is not replaced until you restart the operating system. During restart, the operating system moves the file immediately after it runs AUTOCHK, but before it creates any paging files. This tool is useful for troubleshooting purposes, where you might need to replace an individual file on your computer instead of an entire set of files.
To replace an existing local file with an updated remote file, type:

inuse \\srvmain\windows\test.dll e:\windows\test.dll

To replace multiple files by using a batch script, type the following code in your batch file:


Formatting legend

Format Meaning
Italic Information that the user must supply
Bold Elements that the user must type exactly as shown
Ellipsis (...) Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line
Between brackets ([]) Optional items
Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd} Set of choices from which the user must choose only one
Courier font Code or program output