Updated: January 21, 2005
- You can run nonexecutable files through their file association by typing the name of the file as a command. For more information about creating these associations in a command script by using assoc and ftype, see Related Topics.
- When you run a command that contains a the string "CMD" as the first token without an extension or path qualifier, "CMD" is replaced with the value of the COMSPEC variable. This prevents users from picking up cmd from the current directory.
- When you run a 32-bit graphical user interface (GUI) application, cmd does not wait for the application to quit before returning to the command prompt. This new behavior does not occur if you run the application from a command script.
- When you run a command that uses a first token that does not contain an extension, Cmd.exe uses the value of the PATHEXT environment variable to determine which extensions to look for and in what order. The default value for the PATHEXT variable is: .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD (that is, the syntax is the same as the PATH variable, with semicolons separating the different elements).
- When you search for an executable and there is no match on any extension, start searches directory name. If it does, start opens Explorer.exe on that path.
start myapp
Formatting legend
Format | Meaning |
Italic | Information that the user must supply |
Bold | Elements that the user must type exactly as shown |
Ellipsis (...) | Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line |
Between brackets ([]) | Optional items |
Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd} | Set of choices from which the user must choose only one |
Courier font | Code or program output |