Computer and Software Support

Command abbreviations

This page is from Microsoft

Cluster command abbreviations

The following table lists keyword abbreviations supported by Cluster.exe.
Keyword Supported abbreviations
addcheckpoints addchk, addcheck, addchkpoints
addcryptocheckpoints addcryptochk, addcryptocheck, addcryptochkpoints
adddependency adddep
changepassword changepass
checkpoints chk, check, chkpoints
cluster c
cryptocheckpoints cryptochk, cryptocheck, cryptochkpoints
delete del
dllname dll
expandstring expandstr
forcecleanup force
help ?
listdependencies listdep
listinterfaces listint, listinterface
moveto move
multistring multistr
network net
netinterface netint
offline off
online on
privproperties priv, privprop, privprops
properties prop, props
quorumresource quorum
removecheckpoints removechk, removecheck, removechkpoints
removecryptocheck points removecryptochk, removecryptocheck, removecryptochkpoints
removedependency removedep
removeowner remowner
rename ren
resource res
resourcegroup resgroup, group
resourcetype restype, type
status stat, state
string str
version ver