Only members can see posts
Closed Groups
When you are a member of closed group and you post a question, it will show up in the group but it will also show up on your wall.
This doesn't mean everyone will see the post. Only those that are on your friend list and in the group will see the post. If the person is on your friends list but not in the group, they will not see it. They may know you made a post but they will not know where it was posted and will not know what the post is. They will see a message that the post is only for select people or group.
I will tell a story to give an example
First the characters of the story
There is 3 people involved in this story. Steve, Bob, and Mary
All three are friends with each other on Facebook
Steve and Mary is members of a neuropathy group that is set to closed. Bob is not a member of that group
Steve posts a comment in the neuropathy group saying "My leg is really red and sore today"
Mary will see that comment and will be able to read it on Steve's wall but she will also see it in the Neuropathy group
Bob will not see the message in the Neuropathy group because it is a closed group and he is not a member. Bob also will not see it on on Steve's wall even though he is friends with Steve.
Bob may know that Steve made a post but will not know what the post is for and will not know where Steve posted it. Sometimes you will see a post saying you cannot see the post because it is only for a select view (Not the exact wording)
Only way non members of the closed group will see it is if the member of the group, highlights the text, copies it, then pastes it on their wall or the group changes their security setting to open and not closed.
If the member of the group does that then they are in violation of the privacy setting of the group (unless the post he/she shares is his their own post)
If at anytime you are not sure of the privacy of your posts in a closed group, do not hesitate to talk to an admin or moderator of the group!
If you are not on the list of people to view the post, you will see this
There is different variations of the message shown here.