Upload a File, Create Doc, or Edit a Doc
Choose what you want to do
If you want to upload a file or document to a group, follow these steps
Go to the group that you want to upload the file to
On the left hand side, click Files (Facebook moves things around when they update Facebook, so the location may change)
Click Upload File
Go to the group that you want to upload the file to
On the left hand side, click Files (Facebook moves things around when they update Facebook, so the location may change)
Click Create Doc
If you want to add a photo, drag or click to add a photo
Choose the file
Click Upload New Photo then Close
Give the document a title, and state what you want to say
If you want to allow members to edit it, leave the checkmark. If you do not want them to be able to, remove the check.
Click Save and then Publish
Go to the group that you want to upload the file to
On the left hand side, click Files (Facebook moves things around when they update Facebook, so the location may change)
Click on the Document you want to edit
Click Edit Doc