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On Facebook



  1. Open Facebook

  2. Click Down Arrow

  1. Click Settings

  1. Click Notifications

  1. To the right of On Facebook, click Edit


You'll see every notification on Facebook, but you can turn off notifications abut specific posts as you view them



  1. Play a sound when each new notification is received

    1. On

    2. Off

  2. Play a sound when a message is received

    1. On

    2. Off


What You Get Notified About

  1. Activity that involves you -You'll always get notifications about activity that involves you, like when someone tags you in a photo or comments on your post.

    1. On

    2. Off

  2. Birthdays - Choose whether you want to get notifications about your friends' birthdays.

    1. On

    2. Off

  3. On this Day - choose whether you want to get notifications about memories to look back on

    1. All Memories

    2. Highlights

    3. None

  4. Close Friends activity - Choose whether you want to get notifications about Close Friends

    1. On

    2. Off

  5. Tags - Get notifications when you're tagged by:

    1. Anyone

    2. Friends of Friends

    3. Friends

  6. Pages you manage

    1. Edit

  7. Group activity

    1. Edit

  8. Events - Choose whether you want to get notifications about recommended events.

    1. On

    2. Off

  9. App requests and activity

    1. Edit

  10. Live Videos - choose if yuo want to receive notifications when intresting live videos happen.

    1. On

    2. Suggestions Off

    3. All Off

  11. Fundraisers - Choose whether you want to get notifications about fundraisers you or your friends create and support

    1. Edit

  12. Marketplace - choose whether you get notifications about items  you're interested in and your buy and sell group activity

    1. Edit

  13. Stories from friends - Choose whether you want to get notifications about friends who add to their stories.

    1. On

    2. Off


Other Notification settings are