Different things you can do with photos on your profile
If you want to set a picture on your account as the profile picture, share the picture or tag it, do the following
Open Facebook
Click your user name on the top right
Click your photos
Navigate to the picture you want to edit or use
Put your cursor on the bottom right of the photo and the following options appear
You will see the following
Tag Photo - allows you to tag your friends or family that is in the picture so others will know who they are (the person tagged will get notified that they were tagged)
Add Location - State where the picture was taken
Change Date - State when the picture was taken
Rotate Left - You can rotate picture to the left
Rotate Right - You can rotate the picture to the right
Download - You can download the picture so you can have a copy of it for yourself (when you click download, it will give the file a name. You can change the name of it before the . another words, if the file name is dfsdfadrr.jpg, you can change it to Steve.jpg or whatever you want it to be)
Make Profile Picture - To make this picture your profile picture
Delete This photo - If you don't want it on your account any longer
Share - Allows you to share the photo with a friend, group or your timeline.
Like - Allows you to let others know you like the photo