Share this post for $5000 scam
There is a post going around Facebook trying to get you to like and/or share a post. It claims to give you money if you share the post.
This is a scam! There are companies out there that will buy information about users on Facebook. Posts like this is designed to collect that information.
I do not know if the family is giving money away or not. However they would not give money away because someone liked a post. They would open the door to a lawsuit and they would end up giving away more money then they planned to give away. In fact they would give away all of their winnings plus more if they did. There is 500 million people on Facebook times $5000. I doubt every user would share this but if they did, then these people would go in debt trying to keep this promise. If they are giving money away, they would do it in a way that they can control how much they give away.
The only thing that is happening is these people get paid by collecting the information from the shares and selling it.
For information on other scams going around Facebook, click here