Computer and Software Support

How to access Privacy Settings 

This page is on how to access account settings. Facebook is changing the way things work daily so this may nor may not apply to you. However hopefully it will be close enough to help you.

To access settings do the following

  1. On the top right of Facebook by your name, click on the spiked wheel

  1. Click on Privacy Settings


 There is three sections see note below


Who can see my stuff

Who can see my stuff? Who can see your future posts? Pubic Edit
  Review all your posts and things you're tagged in   Use Activity Log
  Limit the audience to posts you've shared with friends of friends or public?   Limit Past Posts

Who can contact me?

Who can contact me? Who can send you friend requests? Everyone Edit
  Whose messages do I want filtered into my Inbox? Basic Filtering Edit


Who can look me up?

Who can look me up? Who can look you up using the email address you provided? Everyone Edit
  Who can look you up using the phone number you prvided? Everyone Edit
  Do you want other search engines to link to your timeline? Yes Edit



Facebook keeps changing the features and cannot guarantee this help page will be accurate because of this.