Computer and Software Support

Try another hard drive

If you are trying to troubleshoot an issue and it appears that it may be an issue with your operating system, you can try a different hard drive to rule out a software issue.

Option One

Try inserting your hard drive in another computer and see if the problem occurs there. If the problem occurs there, then the problem is either with the hard drive or a software issue. If it is a software issue, you will have to troubleshoot the software issue or reinstall the operating system. If the problem doesn't occur on that system, the problem is either with a driver or a hardware issue with the computer and not an issue with the hard drive or the operating system.

If the issue is with a driver, try uninstalling the drivers for the devices one at a time to see which one it is. If you are unable to find the driver and even though the operating system is ok, you may have to reinstall the operating system to fix the issue with the driver.

In order to try the hard drive in another system, the other system will have to have the same configuration. It will need the same chipset as your system or you will have issues and will not be able to determine if the problem is with it or not.

Option Two

Try inserting a hard drive with an operating system from another system into your system and see if the problem occurs with it. If the problem occurs with it, then the problem is with the computer and not the hard drive or operating system. If the problem doesn't occur on that system, the problem is either with the hard drive or the operating system. or a hardware issue with the computer and not an issue with the hard drive or the operating system. You will need to check the hard drive for issues and/or reinstall the operating system.

In order to try another hard drive with an operating system already installed in this system, this system will have to have the same configuration. It will need the same chipset as your system or you will have issues and will not be able to determine if the problem is with it or not.

Option Three

Install a blank hard drive and install the operating system. If the problem goes away, then the problem is either with the hard drive or the operating system. If the problem continues then it is a hardware issue on the computer.

If it is an issue with the hard drive, you will need to check the hard drive for issues and/or reinstall the operating system.


If you have the room for a second hard drive, and determined the original hard drive is fine, you can connect the original hard drive as a secondary drive. You will have access to the data on the second drive but the first drive will be your operating system. Here is information on installing a second drive.