Why check connections
When technicians troubleshoot issues, their instinct is to look for the difficult causes first without checking the basics first. The issue that usually stumps a technician is not a difficult issue but rather the simple. That is because they are looking for the difficult causes first.
Depending on the issue, you should always check the connections. One of the many comments on checking the connections is.... "I have never disconnected the cables or hardware so it is fine". This is false security. Cables can get pulled loose from being bumped into, disconnected and forgot to reconnect, corrosion, and work loose on it's own. The cable or card can work itself loose where it still works but you may get errors or other issues. Corrosion can get on the connectors and by reseating the card can resolve that.
It may be a small percentage of issues stemming from loose connections but it is those that usually stump a technician. All technicians are guilty of that (certainly me). Loose connections may not apply to your situation but when it comes to errors, Boot issues or power issues, it is very important to check the connections.