Power supply connectors
The power supply has different connectors
ATX power connector provides power to the motherboard. The type of connector used, varies with the brand of motherboard and power supply. Click here for the location of the connector on the motherboard
The connector is grooved on one side so it will only plug in one direction. There is a notch on one side you have to squeeze to remove from motherboard
Some power supplies have both ATA power connectors and SATA but not all. Some only have ATA and others only have SATA.
ATX power connector (Goes from power supply to motherboard)
For information on Motherboard, click here
IDE power connector is grooved and will only plug into the device in one direction. It only pushes in. To remove it, you just wiggle till it comes out. It may be in tight
IDE power connector (goes to CD-ROM, Hard drive, or zip drive)
For information click on the device - Hard Drive, CD-ROM, Zip Drive
goes to CD-ROM, Hard Drive, or Zip Drive
For information click on the device - Hard Drive, CD-ROM, Zip Drive
CPU power (Plugs into the motherboard)
For information on Motherboard, click here
Floppy drive power
For information on Floppy Drive, click here