FP2000: Error Message When Publishing Web: "Server Error: Web <Web Name> Is Busy..."
This is an article from Microsoft's knowledge base. Its copied here and I have the link to the article on their website because sometimes the locations will change on other company websites and This link will become broken. This will ensure that you will have access to the file by copying it here. On the downside is that if they update the article, this article will not be updated unless I am aware of it. Here is the link to Microsoft's article...Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 266216
When you try to publish a FrontPage Web to a Web server, you
may experience one or both of the following symptoms:
You receive the following error message:
Or your computer appears to stop responding (hang) during the initial publishing process.
This problem occurs because of an interrupted connection to the server during the publishing process.
To publish after a lost connection, you must use one or both of the following methods.
Method 1
- On the server, stop and restart the HTTP service.
- Delete the file \Web Root\Web Name\_vti_pvt\service.lck.
- Delete the file \Web Root\Web Name\_vti_pvt\frontpg.lck.
- Publish the Web.
Method 2
- Cancel the publishing process.
- Check the network connection.
- Start the publishing process again.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed at the beginning of this article.
When the connection to the server is lost during the
publishing process, the Service.lck file remains in the _VTI_PVT
directory of the Web.
The Service.lck and Frontpg.lck files deny the FrontPage client
access to a Web on the destination server during publishing.
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FrontPage 2000