How to access Device Manager
Windows XP
There is a couple of ways to access the Device manager
First method
Go to control panel (This link will open in a different window)
Double-click on Systems
Click on Hardware
Click on Device Manager
This will show the list of devices.
Second method
Click Start
Right-click My Computer
Click Properties
Click on Hardware
Click on Device Manager
This will show the list of devices.
Third method
Access Run or Search window
Type devmgmt.msc
Click OK
This will show the list of devices.
You can also access the device manager through My Computer. To access do the following (Click the hyperlink for help with that step)
Click Manage
Double-click Device Manager
If there is !, ? or X beside a device then there is a problem with the device. If you need help with it you can email me. Send me the name of the device that has a bang on it