Computer and Software Support

Performance Monitor 


Windows 8


To access, follow these steps

  1. Open Administrative Tools

  2. Click Performance Monitor



You can use Performance Monitor to view performance data either in real time or from a log file. Create Data Collector Sets to configure and schedule performance counter, event trace, and configuration data collection so that you can analyze the results and view reports.

To begin, expand Monitoring Tools and click Performance Monitor, or expand Data Collector Sets or Reports.

The new Resource Monitor lets you view detailed real-time information about hardware resources (CPU, disk, network, and memory) and system resources (including handles and modules) in use by the operating system, services, and running applications. In addition, you can use Resource Monitor to stop processes, start and stop services, analyze process deadlocks, view thread wait chains, and identify processes locking files.

Open Resource Monitor


  1. Monitoring Tools

    1. Performance Monitor

  2. Data Collector Sets

    1. User Defined

    2. System

      1. System Diagnostics

        1. NT Kernel

        2. Operating System

        3. Processor

        4. System Services

        5. Logical Disk Dirty Test

        6. Smart Disk Check

        7. AntiSpywareProduct

        8. FirewallProcduct

        9. AntiVirusProduct

        10. UAC Settings

        11. Windows Update Settings

        12. Performance Counter

        13. BIOS

        14. Controller Classes

        15. Cooling ClassesInput Classes

        16. Memory Classes

        17. Motherboard Classes

        18. Power Classes

        19. Printing Classes

        20. Storage Classes

        21. Video Classes

        22. NTFS performance

        23. Interactive Session Processes

        24. Processes

        25. Logged On Users

        26. User Accounts

        27. Startup Programs

        28. Desktop Rating

        29. Startup Settings

        30. Disk Settings

      2. System performance

        1. NT Kernel

        2. Performance Counter

    3. Event Trace Sessions

      1. Circular Kernel Context Logger

      2. AITEventLog

      3. Audio

      4. DiagLog

      5. EvenLog-Application

      6. EventLog-Application

      7. EventLog-Microsoft-Windows-WorkFolders-WHC

      8. EventLog-System

      9. FamilySafetyAOT

      10. LwtNetLog

      11. NtfsLog

      12. SQMLogger

      13. UBPM

      14. WdiContextLog

      15. RAC_PS

      16. MpWppTracing-11212014-084254-00000003-ffffffff

      17. HomeGroupLog

      18. IDListenLog

      19. NegoLog

      20. Pku2uLog

    4. Startup Event Trace Sessions

      1. AITEventLog

      2. Audio

      3. Circular kernel Context Logger

      4. DiagLog

      5. EventLog-Application

      6. EventLog-Microsoft-Windows-WorkFolders-WHC

      7. EventLog-Security

      8. EventLog-System

      9. FamilySafetyAOT

      10. LwtNetLog

      11. Microsoft-Windows-Setup


      13. NtfsLog

      14. PeauthLog

      15. RAC_PS

      16. RdrLog

      17. ReadyBoot

      18. RefSWmLog

      19. SetupPlatform

      20. SQMLogger


      22. Tpm

      23. UBPM

      24. WdiContextLog

      25. WFP-IPsec Trace

  3. Reports

    1. UserDefined

    2. System