Computer and Software Support

 Use an Invitation File

Windows 7

Warning!!! When you connect to the person's computer, you will be able to see what they have open. Be sure to inform them that, if they don't want you to see what they have open, they will need to close it before you connect.

Also let them know they can cancel the connection at anytime. They just close the windows like you would close any program.

To access and help with Windows Remote Assistance, click here

To connect to someone else's computer, do the following

  1. Go to the location you saved the invitation file to

  1. Open the file

  2. Enter the password the other person gave you

  1. Now you can see the other person's desktop.

  2. If you want to take control over the person's computer, click Request Control

  1. If the person wants to let you have control,, he or she will click Yes

  2. Also if the person can allow the person to decide to accept User Account Control prompts (if the user doesn't check this, then the user will have to accept or not allow any actions every time the helper does something)