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Directories, Trees, Files and Folders

Windows 10

Below is various ways the directory is seen

In windows you will see a directory listed as C:\Windows\system\mypicture.jpg.

Below is a description of each part of the directory.

Directory   Definition
C: - Is the root directory. It lets you know what drive you are on
\ - Is the divider between directories
Windows - Is a subdirectory of C: It is also called a folder because it can have files, folders or both inside the directory.
system - Is a subdirectory of Windows. It is called a folder because it can have files, folders or both inside the directory.
mypicture.jpg - This is a file. This is determined by the .jpg

In dos you will see the directory listed by brackets [ ] If the name is not listed by [ and ] then it is a file and not a folder. To open that folder you will have to use DOS commands. Click here for assistance with DOS commands.  

A description of a file is as follows using the mypicture.jpg as an example

Item Definition
Mypicture - is the filename. This can be any type of name. Its usually descriptive of what it is. As mypicture probably indicates the person's picture (but not always the case)
.jpg - is the extension. The extension indicates what kind of file it is. This example is a .jpg which indicates a picture.

To find out what a file extension is, click



When you click on an open dialog to open a file or directory you may see it as follows



  • Desktop - is a folder on the computer. It can have files and folders listed inside it (To see the files and folders, Double-click on the icon)

  • My Computer - is a listing of everything that your computer has . (To see the files and folders, Double-click on the icon)

  • Jesse's Documents - is a folder indicated by the folder icon. (To see the files and folders, Double-click on the icon)

  • 31/2 floppy (A:) Local Disk CD-RW Drive ,DVD-RW, and Removable Disk are drives indicated by the icon. it is a physical part of the computer. It can also have files and folders under it (To see the files and folders, Double-click on the icon)

You will also see the following



Symbol Description
- Called collapsed. Indicates there is folders listed under the folder. If you click on the plus or Double-click on the folder, you will see the folders that is inside that folder.
- Called expanded. Indicates that there is folders under this folder and you are able to see the folders under it just like this example. In this example you can see Administrator because Documents and Settings is expanded. If it was collapsed, you wouldn't see administrator.

To better explain the directories, we can use a mailing address as an example. Lets say we want to mail a letter to 101 Fisher Street Madison, Tennessee 37115. Lets compare that to opening the file Julie.jpg at C:\my documents\my pictures\Julie.jpg. First we need a starting point. Lets consider the planets such as Earth, Mars, Saturn and Pluto. Each planet can be considered its own network. Since we live on Earth, Earth will be our network and the other planets will be neighboring planets.

Also Earth would be considered "My Computer" if we compare it to the computer because it houses everything that earth has to offer. When we write the address for Fisher Street, we don't mention Earth because its generally understood we are talking about Earth. Same thing for My computer. Earth provides water and land. Water and land will be like drives on a computer. For this example, water will be Drive D and land will be drive letter C or best known as the hard drive.

The Tennessee portion of the address is the same as the "My Documents" folder on the computer. It gives more information to narrow down the exact location. Madison and the zip code of 37115 is like My Pictures folder and again it brings us closer to the actual location that we are looking for. The address 101 Fisher Street is the exact location where we are sending the letter to. In the computer the exact location is Julie.jpg. If you click on it, it will open the picture.

To recap, to locate and open Julie.jpg, you will first have to open My computer, then open Drive C, then My Documents and then My Pictures. Once they are open you can open the file you want which is Julie.jpg.