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Determine if Secure Boot UEFI is enabled


Determine if Secure Boot UEFI is enabled

Windows 10

To find out if Secure Boot UEFI is enabled, do the following

  1. Search for msinfo32

  2. Look for Secure Boot State on the right hand side

  1. It will give 3 different values


Value Description
On Secure Boot is enabled and using Secure Boot
Off Secure Boot is disabled and not working. To enable it, you will need to enter your BIOS and enable Secure Boot UEFI. This will require you to reinstall your windows. (You will need to back up your files before reinstalling because it will wipe the drive)
Unsupported Secure Boot is not supported on this system. One or more devices on your system does not support this feature. You will have to either update the device or upgrade the device to a different device that supports it. Once you have them certified for Secure Boot UEFI, then you can use Secure Boot UEFI. this will require you to reinstall your windows. (You will need to back up your files before reinstalling because it will wipe the drive)


NOTE:  If you have a CD-ROM, DVD-ROM drive that is not UEFI compliant, you can still use the device after Windows is installed. If you are going to install windows, you must disconnect any non compliant drives during the install of windows. If you do not do that, the secure boot will not be enabled. Even if you are not using the device, it has to be set to UEFI. For example, if you have two CD-ROM drives letters D and drive letter E. You are using Drive D to install windows but you are not using drive E. Drive D is UEFI compliant but drive E is not UEFI. Even though you are not using drive E, it will keep windows from being set to secureboot. You will need to either update drive E or disable it (disconnect it from the system) before installing windows.
  If secureboot is not enabled during install of windows, the only way to activate it is to wipe windows off the system and reinstall. Before installing windows, go into the bios and make sure the drives are labeled UEFI. If you do not see that, the drive is not set to UEFI and windows will not be in secureboot mode.


NOTE: Once Windows is installed, you can re-connect the non UEFI device. It will not affect secureboot once windows is installed.

 For info on Secure Boot, click here