Computer and Software Support

Forgotten password

If you have forgotten your password, you may still be able to get in. This depends on the setup of your system. This is not instructions on how to break into an account. This is just information on how to maneuver around windows to get in the account.

Couple of things you can try

  • If you have another profile that is set as Administrator, you can go into users in control panel and clear the password on any other profile.
  • Boot to Safe mode. The administrator account shows up in safe mode as an option to choose. If that account is not protected by a password, you can access that account and then go to Users to remove the password.
  • Use a password reset disk (if you have one already made)

Those are the only options other than to reinstall the operating system. If you reinstall the operating system, make sure you have all your data saved.


To access User Accounts in Control Panel

  1. Go to User Accounts (This link will open in a different window