How to download Microsoft Essentials
To download Microsoft Essentials, do the following
- Open Internet Explorer
- In the address bar, type or just click the link
- Click Download Now
- A Do you want to run or save this file? will appear
- Click Save
- Choose the location you want to save the file
- Click Save
- Go to Install Microsoft Essentials page to continue
For additional assistance, select an option
- How to update Microsoft Essentials
- How to run Microsoft Essentials
- How to deal with the results of Microsoft Essentials
Here is a list of available Anti-spyware and Anti-Spyware software. Some are free (at the time of this post) Click here to access the list
If you have run this program and feel you still have a virus or spyware, use the virus/spyware troubleshooter, click here to access the troubleshooter
Sometimes a software issue can appear to be a virus or spyware and it is not. If you have used the above tools and still having issues, use the software troubleshooter, click here to access the troubleshooter