How to edit a post
If you see an error you made on a post, you can edit it. To edit the post, with the following conditions
Initial post
On the initial post you can Change the Date or Change the Location. However you cannot change the text. You do have the option of deleting the post entirely
To edit the initial post, do the following
Put the cursor to the top right of the post and an icon for a pen will appear.
Click on the pen
Click the Change Date or Change Location
Make the desired adjustment
Reply to a post
If you are posting a reply on a post, you can edit the text. However Facebook may not allow it in replies in a group. To edit the text do the following
Put the cursor to the top right of the post till the pen appears
Click on the pen
Make the desired changes
Press the Enter key to accept the changes or press the ESC key to cancel the changes