How to set approvals
You should have your account setup so you have to approve the photos that you are tagged in before they show up in your timeline.
What is a tag? If I took a picture of John Doe at the beach and I placed the picture on my Facebook account, I can tag him in the photo. When I tag him, the picture will show up in his timeline and also in his photos.
To explain the importance of this, I am going to use an example. I tag a sexually explicit photo of John Doe. Even though John Doe has never seen the photo or wants the photo, it will show up on his timeline and photos. That photo will be there for all his friends and family to see it. However most people that will see it, will think John posted it even though he didn't. He can remove it from his timeline but the damage has already been done.
If John Doe had it where he had to approve the photo first before it appeared, then he would be safe from the incident above from happening. To set up your privacy so you have to approve, follow these steps.
Go to Privacy Settings (link will open in a separate window)
Go to Timeline and Tagging
Click Edit Settings
Set Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline to On
Click Done