Internet Troubleshooter
If your having a problem with accessing the internet, use this page to assist you (click on the hyperlink for instructions for that step. Also you do not have to do all steps. Once the issue is resolved, you can stop.)
- Anti-virus can block the internet. Such as Norton, Mcaffee can disable your anti-virus. Disable them and see if the internet works. If it does, you will need to troubleshoot your anti-virus
- Anti-spyware software can block the internet. Disable your anti-spyware and see if the internet works. If it does, you will need to troubleshoot your anti-spyware software
- Firewalls can block the internet. Disable your firewall and see if the internet works. If it does, you will need to troubleshoot your firewall (If you are using a firewall besides the windows one, you will need to check the windows firewall also)
- Reset cable/DSL modem
- If you are using a router, disconnect the router and plug the cable/DSL modem directly to the computer. If you are able to access the internet, than the router is causing the issue.
- Restart the computer
- Try a system restore
- Make sure the settings on the network adapter is set correctly
- Do IPCONFIG /release and then IPCONFIG /renew (go to the how to use section)
- Use IPCONFIG to see what the settings are
- Run Winsock Fix
- Deleting Winsock may fix the issue (manual method)
- Try disabling Add-ons
- Try using Ping to see if you can ping the sites
- If the system is dropping connection, turn off Power Management.
- You may have a Proxy turned on and that might be causing the issue.
- Google Toolbar keeps internet from working correctly
- Can't access a secure website
- If you are using a dial-up modem, try hyperterminal
- Enable Active X
- Here is how to install Active X.
- If you are having issues with accessing web pages, try re-registering the cryptographic files. Re-register the cryptographcs.
- Un-install and re-install the dial-up modem
- If you are getting an IP address for the Default Gateway, you may need to setup the router. Click here for more information.
- See if the issue is listed under Internet Issues
- Check for a virus or spyware
- Uninstall and reinstall the network driver
- Connection reset - Connection to server was reset
- Try the internet in safe mode with networking. If it works here, then it is software that is loading causing the issue
- Use MSCONFIG to determine the software that is causing the problem
- Run Chkdsk /r
- Still having issues, use the Software Troubleshooter
- Do a repair of Internet Explorer (may or may not be available)
- As last resort before reinstall, try Internet Explorer reinstall (be sure your important files are backed up)
- If you are using a network, it might be a network issue, use the network troubleshooter
Be sure to check for a virus or spyware, even if you get the issue resolved. Many times loss of internet is due to a virus or spyware.