Product Key
During the instructions you will see the following symbols < > [ ] and { } Here is what they indicate
< > - Indicates what needs to be typed in. Do not type the < and the >. Just the text inside them
[ ] - Indicates a key on the keyboard to be pressed
{ } - Indicates a button on the screen to click on.
Enter the Product Key
If you are installing Windows XP Home Edition
The What's your computer's name window appears
Type in a name here. It can be any name you want (do not give it the name you want to use for the user however. A user and Computer name must be different)
Click {Next}
If you are installing Windows XP Professional:
The Computer Name and Administrative Password window appears
Type a name for this computer in the computer name field (do not give it the name you want to use for the user however. A user and Computer name must be different)
If you want a password on the account then type a password in the Administrator Password field
Retype the password again to confirm it.
If you don't want a password, leave it blank
Click {Next}
Note: If this system is going to be a part of a network, you will need to give it a name that is different from other computers in the network.