How to use Display
Windows 10
You can adjust your display
Number of monitors - If you only have one display it will only show one. If you have more than one display, it will show you more two displays. They will be numbered
Identify - If you do not know which monitor is labeled 1 and which one is 2, click Identify and a number associated with that monitor will appear on the monitor.
Detect - If you have a monitor that is not showing up, click Detect
You can set your screen to Landscape or to Portrait orientation
You can have it set to
Duplicate these settings - Duplicate what is on one monitor on the additional monitors. Good to use if you have someone else looking at your screen from a different angle
Extend the desktop to all monitors. - Good when you need additional space to open programs
Only on Monitor 1 - If you want video only on monitor 1
Only on Monitor 2 - If you want video only on monitor 2
If you have more than 2 monitors, the options will increase
You can designate which one is the main monitor. Click the one you want to be the main monitor and put a check on Make this my main display.
If you are satisfied with your choice, click Apply
If you want to cancel the changes, click Cancel
Advanced display settings will allow you to adjust the screen resolution
Related settings
Advanced sizing of text and other items
For assistance with accessing Display, click here