Computer and Software Support

How to use Problems Recorder 


Windows 7

If you have high speed internet, you can watch the video. If you have dial-up, I recommend skipping the video and click here to follow the steps   For these instructions, I am going to record accessing the calculator.

WARNING! This utility records the steps you are doing but it also records what is on your screen. If you have a document or file open that you do not want others to see, be sure the document is not open when you run the recorder because it takes a snapshot of what is showing on the screen.


NOTE: Due to buffering, you may have to press play a couple times during the video.


  1. Access Problem Steps Recorder
  2. Click Start Record
  1. When your done recording, click Stop Record
  2. The file will be saved as a zip file
  3. You can now email the zip file to a technician or a friend for them to help you

To see what the recorded file looks like, click here.

If you need help on how to open a zip file, click here.