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Select Single or multiple files via Keyboard

Select the action


Single File

To select a single file, do the following

  1. Open File Explorer

  2. Press Shift Tab keys together till you get the section you want

  3. Press the Down Arrow key till you get to the first file you want to select

  1. Now you can Copy, or Cut the item


Multiple Files

To select multiple files using the keyboard, do the following

  1. Open File Explorer

  2. Navigate to the folder you want

  3. Press Shift Tab keys together till you get the section you want

  4. Press the Down Arrow key till you get to the first file you want to select

  1. Press the Shift key and the down the down arrow key. This will highlight the files you selected.

  1. Now you can Copy, or Cut the item or items you want


For help highlighting text, click here