Clear all unprotected Cells in Sheet
You can create a button on your spreadsheet that when it is pressed, it will clear any data on the spreadsheet that is not protected. If you have a form that you use over and over again and need to clear out some text, you can create a button to wipe all of them off the page and have just the information you want it to stay. To do this, follow these steps.
Open the spreadsheet that you want to put the button on
Click the Developer tab (if it is not there, you will need to go to options and add it. Click link for instructions)
Click on Design Mode
Click Insert
Click Command Button (ActiveX Control)
Drag where you want the button to appear and the size of the button
Click View Code
Visual Basic window will appear
Make sure it says Commandbutton1 on the left
Make sure it says Click on the right
Type the following in the window
Click the Save button
Close Visual Basic
Make sure the button is selected
Click Properties
Properties will appear
Currently the button shows Command (it says Commandbutton1 if the button is big enough)
The text Commandbutton1 is listed under Caption
You can change it to say what you want
In properties, change the text for Caption to what you want. (in this example, I am going to have it say clear Cells)
Now the button looks like this
Finish all the editing you are going to do
You will need to protect the sheet (Click the link for instructions)
Save the spreadsheet in a macro enabled spreadsheet
Click File
Click Save as
Under the drop down list for Save as type, select