Computer and Software Support

Example WINNT.SIF file 

Filename: WINNT.SIF

Date: September 29, 2012

Size: 905 Bytes


Description of file:  This is an example file for you to use to give you an idea what is in the file. This file is for Windows XP. You can change the settings on this file and install it into the I386 folder of windows XP and will automate the install. CAUTION: This file can harm your existing windows install if the it is run on the system. Do not run it unless you want the install destroyed.  



  1. Download WINNT.SIF

  2. Install it in the I386 folder of your Windows XP install CD

  3. Edit the WINNT.SIF file to the settings you need it to be

Disclaimer: The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.