Computer and Software Support

How to avoid a virus

There are numerous viruses out there and can't guarantee that you won't get infected by a virus, but there are things you can do to limit your chances of getting one.

Never download files from strangers!!!

Never assume the file from a friend is safe! Some viruses attach themselves to your email address book and sends out viruses to everyone on the address book without you knowing about it. This means you can receive an email with a virus attached even from your most trusted friend or family member (EVEN YOUR OWN MOTHER).

If you receive an E-Mail from a friend that has a file attached to it, contact them first and ask them if they are aware of the file. If they are aware of it, then the chances are good it is not a virus. If they don't know about the file, then do not open the E-Mail and delete it.

If you constantly send mail with files attached, come up with a code word and put the code word in the subject or body. If you get an email with the code then you know they are aware of the file and probably safe to download. If you get an email without the code word then they either forgot to put it in the email or it is a virus that sent the email.

Always scan the files with an anti-virus software before opening them.

Be careful of sites you go to because they can have malicious code that can download to your system when you visit the site.

Add an address in your E-Mail address book with the first name of "A" and the last name of "A". Give the email address of "Virus Alert!!!" With the first name of A and the last name of A, the entry will be the first one in your address book. Of course the E-Mail address of Virus Alert!!! will be bogus so what will happen is that you will get it returned to you for invalid address. This will serve two purposes. It will let you know that a virus has attached to your address book and it may stop the virus from sending other emails because of the error.

New viruses come out daily. Your anti-virus software is only as good as your last update, so update regularly!!!

Never assume that your safe because you have Anti-virus software! It is only a tool. There is a war going on between the anti-virus software and the people creating the viruses. The people creating the viruses will alter the code of the virus to try to sneak past the anti-virus software and they are successful at it. The anti-virus software may not catch the latest virus but it should stop old ones.

Businesses and government will not email you asking you for personal information, so if you get an email asking for your credit card, bank information, personal information, delete the email.

Do not reply to the email. The reply tells the person that they got a valid email address and spam you more.

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