Computer and Software Support

How can I get help? 

Windows 8

There are two ways to get help using Windows Remote Assistance. If both you and your helper are running Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, or Windows RT 8.1 on your PCs, you can use Easy Connect. Otherwise, use an invitation file.


  • Before you allow someone to connect to your PC, it is a good idea to close any open apps or files that you don't wan your helper to see. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable about what that person is seeing or doing on your PC, you can tap or click Stop sharing or close the app.

  • To help make sure that only people you invite can connect to your PC using Windows Remote Assistance all sessions are encrypted and password protected. To learn more about privacy and safety concerns, see the "How does Windows Remote Assistance affect PC privacy and security? section in this topic

To access help request help

Via Search

  1. Do a Search

  2. Type MSRA.EXE

  4. Click on MSRA.EXE




Via Remote Assistance

  1. Open Remote Assistance

  2. Click Invite someone to help you




To get help using Easy Connect

title=" Tap or click to open Windows Remote Assistance ">Tap or click to open Windows Remote Assistance.

  1. Tap or click Invite someone you trust to help you.

  1. Do one of he following:

  2. If you've never used Easy Connect, tap or click Use Easy Connect.

  1. If you've used Easy Connect before, select your helper's name. To invite someone who isn't on your contact list, tap or click Invite someone to help you.

  2. Follow the instructions.


To get help using an invitation file

With this option, Windows Remote Assistance creates an initiation file and password that you can send to your helper via email or chat. They use file to connect to your PC.

  1. Tap or click Invite someone you trust to help you.

    1. If you've used Easy Connect before, tap or click Invite someone to help you to see the options for using an invitation file.

  1. Do one of the following

    1. If you're using an email app on your PC, tap or click Use email to send an invitation.

    2. To save the invitation and send it yourself, tap or click Save this invitation as a file.

  1. Follow the instructions