Computer and Software Support

How to edit a post 


If you see an error you made on a post, you can edit it. To edit the post, with the following conditions

NOTE: Facebook constantly changes how things work. This procedure my change since this page was created.



To edit the post that you already made, do the following

  1. Put the cursor to the right of the post and an icon for a down arrow will appear. (circled in red)

  1. Click on the down arrow and click Edit

  1. Make the desired adjustment and press Enter to accept or Esc to cancel



To edit the post that you already made in a comment, do the following

  1. Put the cursor to the right of the post and an icon for a downward arrow will appear. (circled in red)

  1. You will also see the following

  1. Click on the pen and click Edit

  1. Make the desired adjustment and press Enter to accept or Esc to cancel

For help on how to do other things with Facebook, click here