Computer and Software Support

Where are you logged in at 



You can find out every place you have logged in at and if you are currently signed on in that location. If you think your account has been hacked, change your password. Do a virus scan on your system, and log out of every location that you have signed into Facebook on. There is a feature that will let you log out of Facebook at every location that you are signed in at.

For instructions click the hyperlink

  1. Access Security Login

  2. It will show you everywhere you have been logged in at. It will also show you if it is currently logged in

  1. If you see that you are logged in and you want to log it off, you can log that location off by clicking the three dots by the location you want to log off

  1. Click Log out

  1. If you want to log off every location that your logged in at, you can click Log Out Of All Sessions



If you got hacked, do the following

  1. Change your password

  2. As soon as you change your password, follow the instructions on the top of this page to see where you are logged in at, and then log off your account at every location that you are logged in at. This will also log you off on the computer you are currently using.

  3. Log back in and check your personal information and contacts under General, and Security and login to make sure the hacker didn't change any of that.

  4. Update and scan your system with anti-virus software and anti-malware software. If the software finds something, reboot the computer and run the scans again. Once you are confident the virus and/or spyware is gone, repeat steps 1 through 3 again.

  5. Check the groups that you are in to see if you got added to any without your knowledge. If so, remove them.