Computer and Software Support

How an account is duplicated 


There are scammers out there that tries to trick people into believing they are someone else in order to gain their trust and get information from them.

What the scammer does, is creates a page as someone else. Best way to explain it is to give an example.

John Doe has an account with following info

Name: John Doe

Username http://######/john.doe

email: primary:


The imposter will create a duplicate account of

Name: John Doe

Username http://######/john.doe1

email: primary:


You will notice the name is the same on the valid and imposter account but the rest don't match. the name is what shows up for the account.

If the imposter has access to your pictures, they will download them and put them on the fake account so it will look more valid. If you have your account set to public on the privacy, anyone can get access to your pictures and see your posts. For more information on privacy settings, click here.

The imposter will send friend's request to your friends hoping they will accept you without questioning why you are requesting friends again. Unfortunately some friends will accept without investigating.

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