Computer and Software Support

Process Mulitple Files at the same time 

If you have several files that you need to modify, you can with this feature

  1. Open Photoshop Elements

  2. Click File

  1. Click Process Multiple Files

  1. Process Mulitple Files will appear


The following is the features offered

  1. Process Files from

    1. Folder

    2. Import

  2. Open Files

    1. Source

      1. Where the file is currently located at

        1. Include All subfolders - if you want the folders inside the directory modified as well

    2. Destination - where you want the modified files saved at

      1. Same as Source - allows you to overwrite existing file (use with caution)

  3. File Naming - allows you to rename multiple files

  4. Image size - allows you to modify the size of the files

  5. File type - allows you to convert the files to a different type

  6. Log file - will keep a log of the errors caused during the process

  7. Quick Fix

    1. Auto Levels

    2. Auto Contrast

    3. Auto Color

    4. Sharpen

  8. Labels

    1. Watermark - put a image on the picture such as a copyright

    2. Caption - text you may want on the picture

For help with other procedures in Photoshop Elements, click here.