Computer and Software Support

How to Whiten Teeth 

 Some people's teeth look yellow even when they are not. It can make a person not like to have their picture taken. This page will show how you can edit a pictre to make the teeth white.

  1. Open Photoshop Elements

  2. Open the picture you want to edit

  3. Use the Lasso tool to select the teeth (Click the link for instructions)

  4. On the right you will see a Layers window

  1. On the bottom of the Layers window Click the two colored wheel

  1. Click on Hue/Saturation...

  1. You will see the Adjustments window

  1. Drag the Saturation to the Left

  2. Drag the Lightness to the right


You will need to play with the levers till you get it to the level you want



For help with other procedures in Photoshop Elements, click here.