Computer and Software Support

DOS Command Doskey


Edits command lines, recalls command lines, and creates macros

DOSKEY [/switch ...] [macroname=[text]]

/BUFSIZE:size Sets size of macro and command buffer (default:512)
/ECHO:on|off enables/disables echo of macro expansions (default:on)
/FILE:file Specifies file containing a list of macros  
/HISTORY Displays all commands stored in memory  
/INSERT Inserts new characters into line when typing  
/KEYSIZE:size Sets size of keyboard type-ahead buffer (default:15)
/LINE:size Sets maximum size of line edit buffer (default:128)
/MACROS Displays all DOSKey macros  
/OVERSTRIKE Overwrites new characters onto line when typing (default)
/REINSTALL Installs a new copy of DOSKey  
macroname Specifies a name for a macro you create  
text Specifies commands you want to assign to the macro  


UP,DOWN arrows recall commands
Esc clears current command
F7 displays command history
Alt+F7 clears command history
[chars]F8 searches for command beginning with [chars]
F9 selects a command by number
Alt+F10 clears macro definitions

The following are special codes you can use in DOSKey macro definitions:

$T Command separator: allows multiple commands in a macro
$1-$9 Batch parameters: equivalent to %1-%9 in batch programs
$* Symbol replaced by everything following macro name on the command line


doskey - This would install doskey to allow you to press the up or down command to see history, or right or left to retype previous command.


Specifying a buffer size larger than 61900 for DOSKEY causes the computer to freeze.

DOSKEY supports approximately 61900 bytes. Due to an error in the DOSKEY program that causes DOSKEY to mark memory as unused when it terminates and stays resident specifying a buffer size larger then this amount causes the computer to hang.

This page is from I pasted it on my website to avoid possible broken links. For further help with DOS commands, Check out.