Computer and Software Support

DOS Command Time

Type: Internal (1.0 and later)


TIME hh:mm[:ss][.cc][A|P]

Purpose: Displays current time setting of system clock and provides a way for you to reset the time.



You can enter the TIME command alone and the program will prompt you when to enter the time. You can also enter the time at the same time you enter the time command. Either way, you must enter the time in the following format:

where hh is a one or two digit hours designation, mm is a one or two digit designation of minutes after the hour, ss is a one or two digit designation of seconds after the minute, and cc is a one or two digit designation of the hundredths of a second past the second. The following numbers are allowed:

hh 0-23 for hours
mm 0-59 for minutes
ss 0-59 for seconds
cc 0-99 for hundredths of seconds
A|P A.M. or P.M. (default is A.M.)

Only the hour setting and the minute setting are required. The following are allowable settings:



Your version of DOS may require slightly different forms of this entry format.

If you enter the TIME command without any time designation, the screen will display:

Current time is hh:mm:ss
Enter new time:__

You can enter a new time or press the Enter key to leave the time setting as it is.

If DOS carries out a time-dependent function (such as time-stamping a file for storage on a disk), the system time (based on the starting time you set) will be used. On some computers the system time is maintained by a battery-backup system; in this case, you will rarely use the TIME command (you can stop the initial presentation of both the DATE and TIME prompts by creating any AUTOEXEC.BAT file that does not include these commands). Other computers lose the system time whenever the computer is turned off. In this case, it must be reset each time the computer is restarted.

This page is from I pasted it on my website to avoid possible broken links. For further help with DOS commands, Check out.