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Syntax: remove [{letter=d|mount=pat h|[all]}] [dismount] [noerr]

Removes a drive letter or mount point from the volume with focus. If the all parameter is used, all current drive letters and mount points are removed. If you do not specify a drive letter or mount point, then DiskPart removes the first drive letter or mount point that it encounters.

You can use the remove command to change the drive letter associated with a removable drive. You cannot remove the drive letters on system, boot, or paging volumes. In addition, you cannot remove the drive letter for an OEM partition, any GPT partition with an unrecognized GUID, or any of the special, non-data, GPT partitions such as the EFI system partition.


Specifies the drive letter to remove.

mount= path

Specifies the mount point path to remove.


Removes all current drive letters and mount points.


Dismounts the basic volume, when all drive letters and mount points have been removed from the volume, and takes the basic volume offline, making it unmountable. If other processes are using the volume, DiskPart closes any open handles before dismounting the volume. You can make the volume mountable by assigning it a drive letter or by creating a mount point path to the volume. Dismount will fail if used on a volume that has any remaining drive letters or mount points. For scripting, using removeall dismount is recommended.


For scripting only. When an error occurs, specifies that DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the noerr parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code.